
Case studies in the Collective Wisdom Handbook

A working document from our book production process that might be a useful index to find specific case studies within the final book.

Chapter titleCase Study TitleTopics/Coverage
Projects Mentioned
Choosing Tasks and PlatformsCase Study: Concordia/By the People design principlesValues-led design
By the People program at the Library of Congress
Choosing Tasks and PlatformsPerspective – the DigVentures collaborative platform for archaeology, Brendon Wilkins, Co-founder at DigVenturesPipleine approach to builkding your own platform
DigVentures Collaborative Platform
Choosing Tasks and PlatformsExamplesPotential Conflicts
FamilySearch’s relationship with prison labor
Choosing Tasks and PlatformsExamplesExamples of Platforms
FromThePage, Zooniverse, Omeka + Scripto, Pybossa, Concordia, Madoc, and Transkribus.
Choosing Tasks and PlatformsExamplesPotential Conflicts
GitHub’s controversial decision to contract with ICE
Choosing Tasks and PlatformsExamplesPipline Projects
The American Soldier in World War II
Choosing Tasks and PlatformsExamplesExamples of Platform Features
Zooniverse Project Builder
Choosing Tasks and Platforms
Perspective: Requirements for using the Zooniverse Project Builder — Samantha Blickhan, Zooniverse Humanities Lead
Zooniverse Project Builder
Crowdsourcing EventsCase study: A note on inclusion within eventsinclusion in events
Colored Conventions Project
Crowdsourcing EventsEarly Modern Recipes Online Collective (EMROC)example of transcribathonEMROC
Crowdsourcing EventsCase study: Europeana 1914-1918Different opportunities to contribute (beyond digital)Eurpoeana
Crowdsourcing EventsImage du Monde Challenge / La Sfera Challengeexample
Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age
Crowdsourcing EventsCase study: Distributed collecting events: Lest We Forgetrunning in person events alongside digital
University of Oxford
Crowdsourcing EventsOnline or Offline Wikimedia's Approachexample of a editathonWiki community
Crowdsourcing Events
Example – hackathaon
DataDigVentures ‘Born Digital’ projecttoolkit for managing arch data createdDigVentures
DataNewspaper Navigator from public domain crowdsourced datadata from one project in another, re-use licence
Newspaper Navigator, Beyond Words
Dataautomation for optimizing volunteer efforthow automattion can help choose no of classifications needed
Snapshot Serengeti, Zooniverse
DataExample: Single-track quality control: Wikisourceworkflow for quality control in WikisourceWikisource
testing the influence of Zooniverse platform-tools on the quality of transcription results
DataMutual Muses and alternatives to aggregationalternative method for aggregating results
Zooniverse, Multual Muses
DataMaking Zooniverse data more easily re-usable with ALICEdata exports can be difficult to use. ALICE solves
Zooniverse, Transcribus, ALICE
Embedding ValuesLone Rock Convict Stockade Projectcommunicating Values
African American and Genealogical Societies of Nashville, Roberson Project on Race, Slavery and Reconciliation at Sewanee Uinv
Embedding ValuesDig Ventures and the Unloved Heritage ProjectProductive Tensions – values and strategic design
Dig Ventures and the Unloved Heritage Project
Embedding ValuesThe British LIbrary's In the Spotlightintegrating values
The British Library's In the Spotlight
Embedding ValuesValues in Actioncommunicating and integrating values
Wikimedia community
Evaluationvaluing contributor feedbackGathering contributor feedback
Zooniverse + Living with Machines
Managing Cultural Cowdsourcing Heritage ProjectsPerspective: DigVentures’ Culture Deck — Brendon Wilkins, Co-founder at DigVenturesOnboardingDigVentures
Managing Cultural Cowdsourcing Heritage ProjectsExampleAnecdotal reports of participants’ experiences
History Unfolded
Managing Cultural Cowdsourcing Heritage ProjectsExampleDocumenting participant experiencesScribes of Cairo
Managing Cultural Cowdsourcing Heritage Projects
Perspective: Responding to participant feedback on the Zooniverse platform — Samantha Blickhan, Zooniverse Humanities Lead
MotivationsThe Purposeful Gaming and the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) projectAnimated games
games developed by Tiltfactor
MotivationsIn the Spotlight participant motivations and demographicsParticipant demographics
In the Spotlight at the British Library
MotivationsPrototyping social interactions with paid crowds in Second OpinionDeveloping prototypes with paid crowdsSecond Opinion
MotivationsSuffrage Campaigns at the Library of CongressSetting collective goals
Suffrage: Women Fight for the Vote at the Library of Congress
MotivationsPerspective: WeDigFLPlants, Austin MastDeepening user engagementWeDigFLPlans
MotivationsCollective goal for the community — WikiLovesMonumentsPhoto uploading campaigns
Wiki Loves Monuments
Motivationsbringing motivations and activities together
Library of Virginia events "transcrib-a-versary"
MotivationsQuotes from volunteer surveywhy volunteer
MotivationsPerspective: study of volunteer perspectives and effect on project
Smithsonian Transcription Center
Perspective: Recruiting hundreds-at-a-time, rather than one-at-a-time, for WeDigFLPlants—Austin Mast
MotivationsCase study: Bringing motivations and activities togetherabout event
Library of Virginia “transcrib-a-versary”
MotivationsCase Study: Prototyping social interactions with paid crowds in Second Opinionusing MTurk for testing software
Second Opinion, Civil War Photo Sleuth
MotivationsCase Study: Suffrage Campaigns at the Library of Congresscollective sense of shared purposeBy The People
MotivationsCase Study: Collective goal for the community — WikiLovesMonumentscompetition to generate sharable pictures of CHWikimedia
MotivationsCase Study: The Purposeful Gaming and the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) projectgame as motivation
Biodiversity Heritage Library
Outreach and CommunityDouglass Day and PartnershipsProject Partners – Partnerships and crowdsourced projects
Douglass Day and the Colored Conventions Project
Outreach and CommunityDouglass Day and a Community of PracticeGovernance for Outreach – Creating a Community of Practice
Douglass Day and the Colored Conventions Project
Outreach and CommunityDouglass Day and Cultural CompetencyProject Partners – Practicing Cultural Competency
Douglass Day and the Colored Conventions Project
Outreach and CommunitySample outreach guide for organizing diverse projects within Predominantly White InstitutionsOrganizing at and Beyond Predominantly White Institutions
Douglass Day and the Colored Conventions Project
Outreach and CommunityWikimedia MovemementBottom up governance and community
Wikimedia community
Outreach and CommunityThe Gender Gap in Wikimedia and Community SolutionsInvesting in Inclusive Outreach – Addressing gender disparities in crowdsourced projects
Wikimedia community
ParticipantsCrowdsourcing in the Classroom, Student Learning in the History Unfolded ProjectWorking with students to gather materials
History Unfolded at the US Holocaust Museum
Participantsexamplehow call to action was made and then improvedBy the People
Participants[long quote from participant, similar to 'perspective']participant voice
ParticipantsCase study: Providing hooks and excuses to celebrate with mini-projectsmotivation, lowering barriers to participation
Smithsonian and Notes from Nature
Project DesignPilot testing to support iterative designTranscribing line by line
Anti-Slavery Manuscripts at the Boston Public Library
Project Design
Pilot testing and scaling up in the Davy Notebooks Project
Davy Notebooks project
Project DesignLockdown 2020Role of communications staffLockdown 2020
Project DesignTool customization at the Newberry LibraryTheir custom tech stack
Newberry Transcribe
Project DesignThe Great War ArchiveRole of content specialists
The Great War Archive
Project Design
Custom projects on the Zooniverse platform
Zooniverse platfrom customization
Project DesignThe Zooniverse Project BuilderGlosses the project builder
Zooniverse Project Builder
Task DesignexampleAnnotation
BBC World Service Archive
Task DesignVirginia Tech’s Civil War Photo Sleuthcrowdsourcing and AI-based facial recognition
Civil War Photo Sleuth
Task DesignexampleParticipants uploading materialseMammal
Task Designexampletranscription
Europeana Transcribathon
Task DesignDiscussion notes on FromThePageWiki discussions & transparencyFromThePage
Task DesignexampleParticipants uploading materials
Great War Archive
Task DesignexampleParticipants uploading materials
History Unfolded
Task DesignHistoryPinUploading and mapping photos
Imperial War Museum + Year of the (San Francisco) Bay
Task DesignexampleParticipants uploading materialsiNaturalist
Task DesignJawi Transcription Projectcross-linguistic tasks
Jawi Transcription Project
Task DesignexampleTranslation
Kriegestagebuch von Dieter Finzen
Task DesignexampleParticipants uploading materialsLetters of 1916
Task DesignexampleIdentification
Library of Congress – “What’s the story? feature
Task DesignexampleParticipants uploading materials
Library of Virginia Civil War Legacy Collection
Task DesignexampleOCR correction
National Library of Australia's Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program
Task Designexampleadvancing participant skills
New York Times' Madison project
Task DesignexamplePromoting user levelsOld Weather
Task DesignexampleTranslation
Suda On Line project
Task DesignexampleOral historyVT Stories
Task Designexampleediting Wikipedia articlesWikipedia
Task DesignWikimedia’s Content Translatorcross-linguistic tasksWikipedia
Task DesignArtUK Taggerhumans & computers working together
Your Paintings Tagger
Task Designexampletranscription
Zenas Matthews' 1846 U.S.-Mexico War Diary (FromThePage)
Whatexampleexample: proofreading
Building Inspector
Whatexampleexample: “type what you see” (transcription)By the People
Whatexampleexample: “describe what you see” (tagging)Flickr Commons
Whatexampleexample: “share what you have”
Remembering Lincoln, Wikimedia Commons
Whatexampleexample: “validate other inputs” (OCR correction)Trove
Whatexampleexample: “share what you know”Wikipedia
Whatexampleexample: generate data
Wikipedia, The Great War Archive
Whatexampleexample: improving discoverability
Zooniverse: Tag Along with Adler
Whatexampleexample: finding info ab source
Zooniverse: World Architecture Unlocked
Whyexamplejoy and delight of unexpected
British Library’s In the Spotlight
WhyPerspective: Unremembered Histories — Denise Burgher,Accessibility, democratic decision making
Colored Conventions Movement (CCM)
Whyexampleteokenistic bolt-ons
Living with Machines project
Whyexamplemessage boards and engagement
Mapping Historic Skies
Whyexamplecrowdsourced mindset
NASA – open innovation
Whyexamplecollaborative models
Natural History Museum hosted Wikimedia project
Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society Papers.
Scribes of the Cairo Geniza project
WhyexampleBy the People
WhyPerspective: designing for accessibility on FromThePageDesigning tasks for accessibility
Urdu to English transcription

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