As promised, here are the responses to one of the two key questions we asked volunteers on crowdsourcing, citizen science, citizen history, digital / online volunteer projects, programmes, tools or platforms with cultural heritage collections. Our thanks to everyone who contributed and helped spread the word! Context: this survey had 71 responses, and this question […]
We want to hear from you!
The Collective Wisdom project is currently running two short surveys with people who volunteer for or work 'behind the scenes' in crowdsourcing, citizen science, citizen history, digital / online volunteer projects, programmes, tools or platforms with cultural heritage collections. Read on to learn more about why we're doing these surveys and how the results will […]
With so many people around the world being asked to stay in and prevent the spread of coronavirus, there's been a surge of participation in crowdsourcing projects – and a surge of interest in setting up new projects. With that in mind, we (Mia, Sam and Meghan) wanted to provide a space where people thinking […]
Responding to the pandemic
Like everyone else, we've had to adjust our plans several times this year. We've worked with the Book Sprints team to find an online format to replace our in-person Sprint that was meant to have taken place in Baltimore in April. We're currently considering how we can make the most of our move to a […]
Cross-posted from the British Library's Digital Scholarship blog… [Update, March 2020: like so much else, our plans for the 'Collective Wisdom' project have been thrown out by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have an extension from our funders and will look to confirm dates when the global situation (especially around international flights) becomes clearer. In the […]
New project, and a call for participation!
Cross-posted from the British Library's Digital Scholarship blog… I'm excited to announce that we – Mia Ridge (British Library), Meghan Ferriter (Library of Congress) and Sam Blickhan (Zooniverse) – have been awarded an AHRC UK-US Partnership Development Grant. Our overarching goals are: To foster an international community of practice in crowdsourcing in cultural heritage (if you're reading this, that probably includes […]